2014-2015 Research-in-Residence Award Recipients:

Cristina Antunes

Cristina will be working with Jason West at Texas A&M University on Groundwater stress indicators in coastal dune forests: from Tropics to Mediterranean

David Brankovits

David will be working with John Hayes at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Carbon cycling in a methane-dependent anchialine cave ecosystem: measuring δ13C signatures of methane, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon

Tyler Huth

Tyler will be working with Naomi Levin at John Hopkins University on Developing a new climate record from soil carbonate C and O isotopes

Clare Kazanski

Clare will be working with Elise Pendall at the University of Wyoming on Using stable isotopes to investigate arbuscular mycorrhizal-induced soil organic matter decomposition under elevated CO2 and differing nitrogen availabilities

Sarah Magozzi

Sarah will be working with Mike Wunder at the University of Colorado, Denver on Estimating uncertainty of modeled global ocean carbon isoscapes for geographic assignments

Paul Szejner

Paul will be working with Gabe Bowen at the University of Utah on Seasonal tree-ring cellulose δ13C and δ18O and patterns of drought in the winter and summer precipitation regimes of Southwestern Ponderosa forests

Iris van der Veen

Iris will be working with Jason West at Texas A&M University on A leaf water isoscape for the Himalayan region

Mariana Villegas

Mariana will be working with Seth Newsome at the University of New Mexico on Movement in the Yungaas Manakin (Chiroxiphia boliviana, Aves, Pipridae) along an Andean elevational gradient: Insights from stable isotopes

Monica Warner

Monica will be working with Jason West at Texas A&M University on Testing Modern Isoscapes using Archaeological Human Enamel from Río Talgua, Honduras

















ITCE News!

2020 SPATIAL short course will be held July 6-17

Apply Here


IsoMAP is a dynamic, online workspace for spatial analysis, modeling and prediction of stable isotope ratio variation in the natural environment. Visit IsoMAP to learn more or to start making isoscapes today!