Summer short courses

2019 Course Dates!

2019 SPATIAL and IsoCamp courses will be held from June 10-21 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The ITCE program offers two, concurrent, 2-week, summer short courses to graduate students, postdocs, and interested faculty and researchers. Read More

Course 1, Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry and Ecology (aka Iso-Camp), emphasizes fundamental environmental and biological theory underlying isotope fractionation processes and a broad spectrum of ecological and environmental applications.

Course 2, Isotopes in Spatial Ecology and Biogeochemistry (aka the SPATIAL Short Course), extends on the fundamentals covered in course 1 to develop theory and techniques for applying isotope and biogeochemical tracer data to spatial problems at a range of scales.

Application Process

We will be accepting applications for the 2019 ITCE short courses from December 10th, 2018- February 8th, 2019. Read More

Participant Support

A limited amount of financial support is available to assist students who are otherwise unable to cover the costs of attending the SPATIAL or IsoCamp short courses. Support will be awarded competitively and is available only to applicants who are graduate students. Applications for participant support can be submitted as part of the course application process, and require an additional short essay and second letter of support.

Post-course Opportunities

Student participants may be eligible for project-supported, post-course exchange visits to conduct research in residence at with one or more ITCE instructors.


ITCE News!

2020 SPATIAL short course will be held July 6-17

Apply Here


IsoMAP is a dynamic, online workspace for spatial analysis, modeling and prediction of stable isotope ratio variation in the natural environment. Visit IsoMAP to learn more or to start making isoscapes today!